Still a freeeeak!

May 23rd, 2016


Something else of note happened on Sunday.

Brenda and I got to talking about the unfortunate state of my hair over the course of the afternoon, and I'd mentioned that I was considering growing it out again. Mind you, I wasn't about to start doing this yet, since it's almost summer, and I'm going to be hot enough as it is. But I'd like to get that going again, even if only as a framing device for the immense mutton chops I intend to cultivate.

But, as we talked, the notion of simply lopping it all off came up. It's just hair, after all, so shearing the lot of it off isn't really such a big deal. Sure, I haven't had that done to me since I was like what, a dozen years old? But nonetheless, we ambled into the backyard with our Peanut ™ hair trimmer, armed with a half inch hair guard, and then Brenda went to town on my head.

Hence the bizarre freak you see to your right.

While my regular hair doesn't grow quite as fast as my facial hair, which seems capable of about a quarter inch or more during a seven day period, it nonetheless increases in length rather quickly. As such, I probably won't be looking like this for all that long. However! For the time being, I'm a half inch of hair removed from being a complete cue ball. I'm more like a Q-Tip ®, I guess.

But that's okay, I suppose. I will be a whole lot cooler over the summer, for one thing. For another, I won't really have to expend all that much effort keeping my hair clean and/or brushed. Though my vanity wants me to have long, luxurious locks, my sloth is perfectly fine with not having to take care of all that mess for a couple of months. So overall, this is the path of least resistance.

Sloth wins! FATALITY.