By Kutz ™

April 24th, 2016

Sounds especially painful.

Every now and then, Brenda and I wind up in at a specific Indian grocery store to pick up a few items that we're currently lacking. She has a mad addiction to Indian food, after all, and instead of bankrupting us going out to eat it each night, she simply makes it herself. And she's very, very good at it, if I do say so myself. Heck, I wouldn't even touch the stuff until I had some of hers!

The store we go to is actually two stores, as they have two locations. As luck would have it, they're both but a few miles from where we've lived in Ohio, so we've only had to drive a few minutes to shop Indian the last few years. Typically we'll head there when we're running other errands, but in a pinch we'll specifically make the trip to grab that one thing we need to perfect a dish.

Though I do use the word we liberally, since where cooking is concerned, I am usually just an assistant. Unless we're talking about frozen pizzas or toast or something like that, that is. But I make a very good assistant in the kitchen, I like to think, so there's that at least. I'm slowly learning to prepare things here and there, but for the most part, yeah. I merely help.

Or hlep, depending on your spelling.

As for the photo, I just happened to see that in the store upon our last visit, so I thought I'd share the comedy gold with you. Enjoy!