Another instance of fury face.

March 5th, 2016

This is such a nice town.

I stopped in at the Yellow Springs Speedway yesterday to get my sexy other a delicious, delicious soda after work, and I was waiting in line behind someone who was taking a very, very long time to pick out a very, very large number of scratch tickets. I wasn't particularly in a hurry or anything, but I wasn't really enthused about waiting, either.

This is why I wasn't grinning, okay? So when this older lady with the biggest dreadlocks I'd ever seen momentary cut in front of me, she actually flinched. She looked at me and said "I'm not cutting in front of you, honest!" This made me stop and think, at which point I realized that I was apparently having yet another instance of fury face. Even though, you know, I wasn't furious about anything.

Unlike the last time this happened, though, the encounter didn't end with some psychotic busybody screaming religious epithets at me. No, this being Yellow Springs, she just talked at me for a few minutes to make sure I wasn't having a psychotic break. She was really happy when she managed to make me laugh, too, so she at least felt better about this whole encounter.

Though I didn't. I think I need to start wearing a mask while I'm out in public, one with a manic, distressing grin. Maybe this way, people won't think I'm all angry all the time. Or something! Sure, I'm often irritated when I am rambling here, but I really wasn't at the time. Heck, I was finally escaping from work for a few days, so I was actually doing all right.

Lousy fury face. Feh.