Here they come! (/primus)

February 27th, 2016

These things just started popping up in Ohio. Sigh.

Despite our living in an island of relative sanity, one which is surrounded on all sides by the willfully ignorant, it was inevitable that I would see one of these things fouling the landscape. As it kicks and screams its way through its death throes, the GOP has brought its sociopathic roadshow to Ohio, and soon enough their clown car will disgorge its vile contents all over the joint.

Unlike the vast, vast majority of my coworkers, I hold no truck with the notion that this clown, much less any other blighted politician from the GOP, will become our next President. No matter which of these horrible fascimilies of a human being gets the nod from their inbred paymasters, they're all far too damaged from months and months of ego-driven posturing to be remotely electable.

You see, all of the creatures that have held out so far are too enamored of their own self-worth, and too insulated from the horrible reality of, uh, reality, to acknowledge that they aren't going to win. Thus, they keep firing increasingly desperate broadsides at each other, thus piling up an impressive record of their staggering douchebaggery for the Democrats to showcase in their own ads.

The thin veneer of humanity is all but gone from these vat-grown monstrosities, and it shows whenever they are forced, however slightly, to step outside of their otherwise hermetically sealed echo chamber. So fret all you want, but nothing - nothing - will motivate the usually feckless Democratic voter base like the prospect of a Trump or Rubio winning the Presidency. Mark my words.

The real election is going on in the Democratic primaries. You'd think it would get a bit more media coverage. Of course, the candidates in that party aren't showboating loudmouths who are constantly attempting to one-up their odiousness in an effort to court the lowest common denominator, so that makes for bad television. Or something?