Recovery on many fronts!

February 2nd, 2016

Sputter, sputter.

I find I am feeling a lot better overall, this Tuesday afternoon. Not quite up to snuff, but not quite wobbling about the building in a daze, either. As I have an appointment with my dentist after work, I naturally won't be doing any overtime again today. And since I'm still a bit zonked from that ridiculous stunt I pulled last week, I don't feel all that bad about it, to be sure.

My good feelings aren't just related to my state of energy, either. For one thing, while my hands are still pretty hashed up, they're doing a lot better. Much of the overt damage I showed you a bit back appears to be healing, and the darn things aren't so horribly itchy any longer. They nag me a bit, still, but I think going with moisture instead of drought is doing the trick.

In other news, despite how horribly I generally treat myself, I appear to be achieving many of my goals. I've managed to not only lose all the weight I planned to in January, but I even exceeded that amount. Bonus! I don't know how long I can keep up this pace, but if my progress continues in this fashion, I may well get to where I ultimately want to be by the time the Fourth of July rolls around.

On top of that, as you can tell by my ceaseless nattering here, I've been making good on my promise to write something every day. Sure, a lot of that writing has been my thoughts swirling around the toilet before draining down into this site, but that's still something. Once my overtime inevitably dries up again, I'm sure I'll make some serious progress on my other projects, as well.

Someday, I just might finish some of those.