Face full of hurt.

February 26th, 2013

So I got a job with decent health insurance and dental insurance for you know, like, the first time in years? So I thought I'd make up for a decade or so of being unable to take proper care of the teeth, and catch up on any outstanding dental work.

What was I thinking.

According to my current dentist, I have thus far needed eight fillings and two crowns. No, I didn't get all of these today, but I got a crown and two fillings... and the drugs have worn off. It's like, ah, going from your face feeling like 'did I just eat my tongue and not realize it' to 'fucking Christ who took pliers to my jaw'. On top of the fact that this week blows rancid goats so far, this is just icing.

I didn't sleep last night because I was so pissed at this turd at work who is so hopped up on her perceived authority that she felt the need to stomp into my work area and throw a tantrum at me like a five year old. So that set me off and I was so juiced up on fury that I couldn't sleep. So every single thing I've tried to do today has met with utter failure, from performing simple tasks at work to pissing off everyone in my vicinity.

Well I wasn't trying to piss everyone off, that's just how things went.

So now my whole face is throbbing because my dentist thinks a second tooth of mine needed to play at royalty and wear a crown, and I can't say anything to anyone lest I put my foot in my mouth again. And maybe resurrect other things I said in the past which will be used to make me feel like I'm a total ass hat, even when I didn't mean it like it was thrown back in my face.

Fucking great.

So you know, in pain, miserable, and don't want/can't even talk to anyone, even if I wanted to. What a great way to end the day. I'm going to bed before I set something on fire. Possibly on purpose.

Fuck you, earth.
