Alas, poor 2009. I knew it well.

December 31st, 2009

So it's the end of the decade.

At least, as we currently measure such. As 2009 creeps to a heaping collapse, I suppose I could reflect on how shitty a year it has been in a global sense - fuck knows everyone else has been doing so, what with their omnipresent lists (all of which seem to go out of their way to mention the iPhone somehow). But lists are the lazy man's way out, a way of trying to paint a picture of the past in ten easy steps.

It's funny really. We're on the cusp of 2010 and I don't have my fucking jet pack. I was promised one back in 1985, a jet pack. I was told again and again and again I would have a back pack that would let me fly, robots to do my sundry tasks for me, and the veritable immortality that Science! could provide. But what has actually come about? You'll notice that the world is pretty much the same shitty place it was 25 years ago.

Oh sure, people have their wanky iPhones and their Facebooks and their Netflix, but the root of most of our serious problems persist. We're on the cusp of a crazy-bright future and yet the same things that caused humanity to wallow in fail over the last several thousand years are still around. Of course, I'm told that expecting humanity to be anything other than itself is an exercise in futility.

Not that, you know, I'm very good at being 'human' in the first place.

Now, I could go on and on about just who I feel is responsible for the dismal state the world is in today, and I did in a previous version of this particular entry, but why bother? The people actually causing today's problems will either a) never acknowledge that they're at fault, or b) think they're doing this for 'the greater good'. And really, there's no talking to people like that.

Though I should stress that at least one good thing has happened this year. Despite all the problems and bad things that have descended on me since oh, 2000, I finally did manage to meet someone that I could connect with on an emotional level this year. We've been together in person almost a year now (minus about two weeks), which is pretty big deal for me. So that's the good that came out of 2009.

I suppose this is the point where I am supposed to prognosticate about the Future!, or some such. So here goes. As... interesting as things may have gotten in a geopolicial fashion here in '09, things are going to be a'changing soon. I honestly can't see the world going on as it has for much longer without some sort of breaking point being reached. So come on in, 2010. And bring the mass chaos with you.

But on a personal level, I'm pretty sure I'll be right here still, as long as someone special wants to keep me around.