Attack of the Fat, Rich and Drug-addicted Traitors!

April 20, 2009

Ah, treason.

I wish I could make big money by betraying my country like some people on television are these days. What am I talking about, you ask? Well, back in 2003 I distinctly recall certain voices in the media saying that you're a dirty traitor if you have the gall to oppose 'our President', no matter how much of a bought and sold jackass he may happen to be. Fast forward six years, and what do we see?

Drug-addicted hypocrites that are hoping the new President 'fails', governors of specific redneck states talking about Secession because they don't like a black president, and entire news networks going out of their way to promote an event that paints the new President as a socialist and a fascist. It's too bad that the 'voices' in both of these paragraphs are the exact same people.

You know, hypocrites.

I love how the Republican party goes out of its way to continue to pursue the same agenda that got it thrown out of power in both congress and in the White House, and seem surprised that people continue to run away from them in droves. But at the same time, it makes me wonder why I'm not getting in on their action. I should do my damnedest to emulate their cheerleaders, and maybe I can get stupid people to throw money at me.

So if I wanted to be like them I could put on a hundred pounds, illegally get prescription pain killers, fly to Thailand with a bottle full of Viagra and do terrible things to kids over there. Oh, and then I'd have to spew bullshit for three hours every day where I try to call people out for doing what I do, and say they should be thrown behind bars forever - but say no, not me, because I 'have a problem', and 'need help'.

But then, that fucking retard likes to demonstrate his hypocrisy on a daily basis.

I just can't help but marvel at the logical process that makes something 'treason' when someone else does it, but 'patriotism' when someone else does at the same time. You can't have it both ways, no matter how much political doublespeak you engage in. Either it is or it is not, and the way I see it, if you call certain behavior treason, you don't get a free pass to do it a few years later under a different premise.

It's still fucking treason by your own words. So yes, all of you talk radio pedophiles and right ring news networks that were sucking Bush's cock back in 2003? You're traitors now, and you should suffer the full penalties of such. In public, where everyone can see your nasty fat asses thrown in front of a firing squad. I'd pay good fucking money to see that, and I know a lot of people that feel the same.

Fucking dirtbags.