So you ask why, do you?

March 25, 2009

So people ask me, "Denny, why do you hate religious people so much?" Well I didn't used to. I used to hate just the actual institutions of religion, thinking hey, people should be allowed to believe what they want, you know, because even though they're wrong, it's a free country or whatever. It's not the people that are at fault but the eerie corrupt leaders of these bizarro clubs that are telling them wrong.

But really, that's wrong-headed of me, isn't it? I mean, if people didn't allow themselves to be led by the nose by hopped up weirdos with an axe to grind against society, said hopped up weirdos wouldn't have the proverbial leg to stand on, and shit wouldn't be as stupid as it is today. We might even have a few less wars / tragedies / fuckups marring human history and making us look like mindless savages.

Exhibit A. So what we have here is some crack-smoking muslim weirdo who thinks that people should kill Mickey Mouse. Let me repeat that for those of you with reading difficulties. He wants people to kill Mickey Mouse. This fellow is so far off the deep end that he thinks Mickey Mouse is an active agent of satan, and that people should try to kill it. MICKEY MOUSE. He wants you to kill pretend mice.

Which, when you worship a pretend god, could almost make sense.

Exhibit B. The obvious one of course, but this former Nazi has the gall to tell people that condoms make the spread of AIDS worse. And people listen to him! You fucking assholes actually give money to an organization that is doing its damndest to kill every man, woman and child in Africa, and you call ME 'narrow minded'?! I suppose if you support a former Hitler Youth as your religious leader, genocide isn't such a huge step further.

Exhibit C. Apparently marketing geniuses think that by making a clever shirt, they can completely change the behavior of someone. You know, cleansing them of sin by having them say I don't touch myself any more! when they still do. Unless of course they're having sex now, out of wedlock, and catching 300 diseases because their space nazi super pope told them not to use rubbers? Ex Masturbator My Fucking Hairy Ass.

Exhibit D. This motherfucker had the gall to actually say on national television that gay people were the reason that the whole 9/11 thing happened - that 'god wanted to punish America', more or less. And yeah, it's basically his fault that Bush Jr. was 'elected' 'twice' to the utter ruination of America. And motherfuckers keep giving him and hypocritical assholes like him their money and their votes.

But as I said, these (and many more) are just symptoms of the problem. These fuckwits wouldn't get anywhere without you. Your money and your support and your sitting there and wringing your hands as your spiritual 'leaders' commit one atrocity after another in the name of their invisible space boogeyman. If it weren't for you, these people would just be more homeless fuckwits on the street screaming at me.

But no, you give them the power of life and death, and look where it's gotten you? How many more Americans have to die because of nutjob muslims that listen to their cartoon-character-murdering leaders? How many people in the third world have to die because the Nazi Pope wants them to breed more Catholics - so what if they have AIDS, they're boosting the church rosters, right?

How many people have to die because you turn a blind eye to churches when they spend your goddamn money to change the laws so that it's easier to discriminate and rail against people that your church doesn't like? Or is that perfectly okay as long as they keep giving you magic granny panties to ward off the space demons? I guess if gay people get married, there's less men to marry 30 underage girls like they prefer in Utah.

That's Exhibit E.

I blame you, the Religious Retard, for all of this. This bullshit is your fault, and only you can fix this. But you won't, because they have you brainwashed to buy into their fear and hate mongering. You are weak and pathetic and are owned by creepy old pedophiles who have the gall to tell you that you're a bad person even while they're balls deep in some poor, unsuspecting young boy.

So fuck you. I hope you die of something horrible that could've been easily fixed with proper stem cell research.